Monday, August 10, 2015

How can structures at LEC help me succeed? (Day 6) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 11 August

Happy Tuesday AVID Team!
Homework: Revise your notes!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: How can structures at LEC help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...find answers about college.
...identify the parts of TPEQEA.
...practice writing TPEQEA paragraphs.
...organize your binder and Google Drive.
1) Warm Up: Ten Minute Research
  1. Write down one question you have about college.
  2. Search for the answer using Google. Use a site that ends in .edu OR .org.
  3. Write down the site you used (just the basic URL like
  4. Answer your question in one sentence.
  5. Illustrate your answer.
  6. Sort the answers. 
2) Academic Vocabulary
  1. Write down the AKA definition in your notes.
  2. Vocab Intro
3) New Material: High School Success and TPEQEA

  1. Refer to your student packet from Cobra Kickoff.
  2. Create an index card for your sentence.
    1. Write the question you can answer to write this sentence.
    2. Add an illustration.
  3. Install diigolet on your computer.
    1. Go to the link here.
    2. Drag the button to your tool bar.
    3. Create an account.
  4. Go to the link here.
    1. Read the article.
    2. Highlight the the three tweets you think are most important in pink.
    3. Highlight the three tweets you think are least important in yellow.
    4. Add a sticky note listing one tweet you would add.
  5. Write your own TPEQEA!
    1. What will your success look like at LEC?
    2. Leave space to add a quote later.
    3. Need ideas? Refer to the post cards to LEC students.
4) Success Workshop: Peer Binder Evaluation

  1. Set up Google Drive folders. 
  2. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up with all of your stuff.
  3. Complete the Peer Binder Evaluation half sheet.
  4. Work on reorganizing your binders.
5) Exit Ticket: Class Organization Graph

  1. Write your name on a sticky note.
  2. Place your name on your self-evaluation rating for how organized you are.
  3. **This should create a bar graph.**

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