Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What will my life be like in the career cluster I've chosen? Daily Plans: Thursday, 23 April

Happy Thursday AVID Career Explorers!
  1. Bring a gym bag with a phone, camera (optional), notebook, pen/pencil, and water bottle tomorrow!
  2. Career Problems Paper due Friday at midnight!
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: What will my life be like in the career cluster I've chosen?
Objectives: I can...
...summarize current events at NCSU.
...critique a classmate's writing.
...revise my writing.
...create a presentation communicating key information about my career cluster.
1) Warm Up: #ThinkandDo @ LEC (5 min)
  1. Go to the NCSU website.
  2. Scroll to the green box with #ThinkandDo.
  3. Decide: If you were to add a #ThinkandDo photo for something you've thought about and turned into action at LEC, what would it be? 
  4. Sketch or describe this on a sticky note. Include a caption.
  5.  Post it on the board.

2) Lesson Plan: NCSU Preview (25 min)

  1. Before you read your focus article, read the NCSU mission statement. (2 min)
    1. Class mind dump: If we saw the mission statement in action, what would we see?
    2. Choose a focus article from the list below.
      1. The Internet of Energy (Read all about innovation in smart grid, sustainable energy)
      2. What Science Looks Like at NCSU (Think you can't mix time for art with time for science research? Think again!)
      3. The linguists are coming! The linguists are coming! (Why do people in NC talk they way they do? Why do we care?)
      4. Trick or Treat or Barf (Can social media be used to raise public health awareness?)
      5. Art for Academics Sake (Can art make you smart?)
      6. Shelton Promotes Values-Based Leaders (What makes a great leader?)
      7. CSI: NC State (How can skulls, soil, and more help solve crimes?)
  2. While you read your focus article, look for ways that your article shows the mission statement of NCSU in action. (7 min)
  3. After you read: (5 min)
    1. Write on two sticky notes two ways that your article relates to the NCSU mission statement.
    2. Post your sticky notes on the related part of the NCSU mission statement.
    3. Share out!
  4. Scavenger Hunt Description and Logistics for Tomorrow

2) Literacy Block: Peer Evaluation and Revising (20 min)
  1. Open your Career Problems document.
  2. Scroll to the second Part 3 (oops! sorry!). 
  3. Complete this section with a partner.
  4. Begin revisions.
  5. Remember: Your FINAL paper is due to me tomorrow at midnight! Check the formatting requirements and the checklist to ensure you get the best possible grade!
    1. In-text citation help? See the resource here.
3) Transition Ticket: Evaluate your SMART goal for the week!

4) Career Clusters Groups: Assembly Time!

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