Monday, April 20, 2015

What will my life be like in the career cluster I've chosen? Daily Plans: Tuesday, 21 April

Happy Tuesday AVID Career Explorers!

  1. Comment "Done" on Part 3 of your Career Problem Paper doc by 7:30 tonight!!!! 
  2. Finish your TRF!
  3. Late: Finish Common App Doc and Pennant. TURN IN NCSU FORMS!

Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: What will my life be like in the career cluster I've chosen?
Objectives: I can...
...evaluate your career preparedness.
...describe problems and propose solutions impacting your career.
...contribute to a seminar on problem solving methods.
...critique and improve your solution.
1) Warm Up: Are you prepared? (10 min)
  1. Set up a note page for today using the EQ.
  2. Go to the link here and answer the questions.
  3. Read your results. 
  4. In a point sentence and two listed examples, state and justify if you agree or disagree with your results.
    1. Example: 
      1. Point: I agree with that it is okay to have no clue yet because as freshmen we still have time to plan.
        1. Example: In AVID we explore careers, so I'm narrowing things down.
        2. Example 2: I'll have a better idea after I take more college classes.
2) Literacy Block: Twenty for Research and Writing (20 min)

  1. Pull up the article you found in the library. Didn't find one? Now's your chance!
  2. Fill out the star diagram.
  3. Continue writing! 
    1. When using quotes, remember you need in-text citations. See the resource here.
3) Lesson Plan: Sustainable Solutions Seminar (30 min)
Purpose: We solve problems every day: in math it might be a word problem, at home it might be your siblings driving you crazy, in group work it might be how to delegate tasks so everything gets done. Today, we will look at different ways to solve problems, develop your own problem solving steps, and make sure your solution for your paper is AWESOME!
    Simplex Process Diagram
  1. Before you read: Mind Dump! How do you solve problems? (3 min)
  2. While you partner read: Highlight the steps of problem solving and summarize what you are reading to each other. (7 min - you might not finish - that's okay!)
  3. After you read: Work with your group to summarize the problem solving steps that your article proposed.
  4. Investigate!
    1. Send three researchers out at a time to collect other ways to solve problems. (5 min)
    2. Regroup and summarize. Highlight commonalities between problem solving methods.(5 min)
    3. Repeat until you have visited each group. (2 rounds) (5 min)
  5. Create! With your group, develop your own steps for problem solving. (7 min)
  6. Analyze with a partner: Did you use these steps when planning your career solution? How can you improve your solution? (5 min)
4) Success Workshop: Just Keep Writing!!!! Part 3 is due to me tonight by 7:30pm!

5) Exit Ticket: Set a SMART goal for the week!


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