Tuesday, April 7, 2015

What will my life be like in the career cluster I've chosen? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Wednesday, 8 April

Happy Wednesday AVID Team!
Homework: Field Trip Forms Due Tomorrow!
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: What will my life be like in the career cluster I've chosen?
Objectives: I can...
...practice using MLA format for citations.
...relate careers in my cluster to each other.
...describe specific careers in my cluster.
...identify and clarify my points of confusion.
1) Warm Up: Add your ideas! (5 min during attendance)

  1. Make sure your TRF is complete.
  2. Add your ideas to the front board! "Our career clusters fair will be awesome if..."
**Move to your Career Clusters room**

2) Literacy Block: Cite it Right Competition! (10 min)
  1. With your group, have one computer on.
  2. When I say "start", go to the link here and answer the questions.
  3. Show me your final score.
  4. The winning  team gets pride, glory, and maybe something else... :)
3) Time to Work: Career Clusters Posters (Until 2:25)
  1. Review your research list, roles, and promotable/fireable actions.
  2. Then, look at today's to do list:
    1. Create a graphic organizer showing how 10 careers are related in your cluster.
    2. Then, choose 5 to elaborate on and start your research and writing for this. Consider doing this in a table.
    3. Make your graph:
      1. What is changing in your career? Consider: How many women are in this career? Has the salary changed drastically? 
      2. Find a graph that shows this information.
      3. Create a Google doc called, "Career Cluster Name - Graph" (ex: Arts - Graph).
      4. Add your graph.
      5. Put the URL where the graph is from and a caption explaining what the graph shows and the graph's importance underneath the graph.
      6. Share this with the teacher whose room you are in for printing.
  3. Next work day: 30 min on Friday!
4) Success Workshop: Tutorial Time!
  1. Choose where to go for tutorials.
    1. Ms. Cheatham: Math 2, AFM, Civics and Economics
    2. Ms. Nickel: Biology, Geology, English
    3. Mrs. Testa: Math 3, Stats
  2. Select a moderator.
  3. Give thirty second speeches.
  4. Ask each other guiding questions to clarify the presenter's point of confusion.
  5. Complete your reflection.
5) Exit Ticket: At 2:59 return your TRF and 3 column notes to your AVID teacher!

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