Homework: Finish any late work!
Essential Question: What changes do I need to make to be career ready?
Objectives: I can...
...add on to my positivity file.
...write directions for making a graph.
...identify the level of questions.
...write directions for making a graph.
...identify the level of questions.
1) Warm Up: Positivity File (5 min)
- Open your positivity file and add on!
- Want 2 points on your College Career Readiness Grade?
- Write about something you are looking to for the four day weekend. OR
- Write about something awesome that has happened in school this week.
2) Literacy Block: Graph Review (10 min)
3) Success Workshop: Catch Up Time (30 min)
- Review your work on your graphing task last week.
- Discuss the parts of a graph and how to read a graph.
- Work with your table to rewrite my directions.
3) Success Workshop: Catch Up Time (30 min)
- Monday Catch Up:
- Finish your hard/soft skills, skills needed in your job notes.
- Complete your career interview.
- Send me your meme and email.
- Other options:
- Begin working on questions for the TPEQEA paragraphs here. (2 pts EC for your College Career Readiness Grade)
- Fix your notes and binders!

- Go to the room related to your TRF.
- Nickel: Biology, Geology, English
- Testa: Math 3, Stats
- Cheatham: Math 2, AFM, Civics and Economics
- Break into content area groups.
- Then, in groups of no more than 2-3, create a quiz about the topic you wanted to review.
- Answer the questions you've created.
- Turn in your quiz sheet.
- Done early? Work on homework using the tutorial process if you get stuck!
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