Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What changes do I need to make to be career ready? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Wednesday, 1 April

Happy Wednesday AVID Family!
Homework: Finish any late work!
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: What changes do I need to make to be career ready?
Objectives: I can...
...add on to my positivity file.
...write directions for making a graph.
...identify the level of questions.
1) Warm Up: Positivity File (5 min)
  1. Open your positivity file and add on
  2. Want 2 points on your College Career Readiness Grade?
    1. Write about something you are looking to for the four day weekend. OR
    2. Write about something awesome that has happened in school this week.
2) Literacy Block: Graph Review (10 min)

  1. Review your work on your graphing task last week.
  2. Discuss the parts of a graph and how to read a graph.
  3. Work with your table to rewrite my directions.

3) Success Workshop: Catch Up Time (30 min)
  1. Monday Catch Up:
    1. Finish your hard/soft skills, skills needed in your job notes.
    2. Complete your career interview.
    3. Send me your meme and email.
  2. Other options:
    1. Begin working on questions for the TPEQEA paragraphs here. (2 pts EC for your College Career Readiness Grade)
    2. Fix your notes and binders!
4) Tutorial Time!
  1. Go to the room related to your TRF.
    1. Nickel: Biology, Geology, English
    2. Testa: Math 3, Stats
    3. Cheatham: Math 2, AFM, Civics and Economics
  2. Break into content area groups.
  3. Then, in groups of no more than 2-3, create a quiz about the topic you wanted to review.
  4. Answer the questions you've created. 
  5. Turn in your quiz sheet.
  6. Done early? Work on homework using the tutorial process if you get stuck!

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