Wednesday, March 11, 2015

How can positive expectations impact your life? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Thursday, 12 March

Happy Thursday AVID Team!
  1. Share your Statement of Purpose ASAP!
  2. Check PowerSchool for any missing work and DO IT!
Big Idea: Power
Essential Question: How can positive expectations impact your life?
Objectives: I can...
...define the term "digital tattoo".
...sketch or describe your digital tattoo.
...write higher order thinking questions about power, choices, and goals.
...contribute to a socratic seminar.
1) Warm Up: Power Review (5 min)
  1. Skim through the blog.
  2. Add to the list on the board of activities, writings, and articles we have looked at during the Power Unit.
2) Take 15 to Polish  (15 min)
  1. Make final revisions to your statement of purpose and share it with me.
  2. Already done? Work on revising your notes and organizing your binder.
    1. Revise your notes!
      1. Take out your notes for the class you struggle with most. 
      2. Highlight key terms, add HOT questions, and write summaries.
    2. Organize yourself!
      1. Make sure your binder and TOCs are set up correctly.
3) Literacy Block: Digital Tattoo (20 min)
  1. Before you watch: 
    1. Set up a note sheet for today. Call it "Powerful Choices".
    2. Jot down what college admissions officers will learn about you from what you have on social media.
    3. Respond: Are you proud or not?
  2. While you watch:
    1. Watch the video below. You can have the transcript open if you like.
    2. Add your responses to the double entry journal.
  3. After you watch:
    1. Sketch or describe your digital tattoo. 
3) Time to Work: Socratic Seminar/My Statement of Purpose 
  1. Not done with your Statement of Purpose? Finish that!
  2. On your note sheet, write three questions you would like to discuss relating to power. (10 min)
    1. One of these should make a connection between activities or readings we have done in this unit.
    2. One of these should make a connection to your life or future.
    3. One of these should make a broader, global connection.
  3. Then, we'll review the Socratic seminar sheet and begin the seminar. Remember to:
    1. Step up, Step back
    2. Assume Positive Intent
    3. Connect to what we've done in class
    4. Stick to the point!
5) Exit Ticket: Highlight from the week

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