Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How can I plan for college success? Daily Plans: Thursday, 19 March

Happy Thursday and end of 3rd Quarter AVID Team!
  1. Finish Journal 9
  2. Get your Family Day form signed
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: How can I plan for college success?
Objectives: I can...
...evaluate my college and career readiness.
...critique the AVID-ACA program.
...discuss the cost of college from multiple perspective.
...propose helpful actions.
1) Warm Up: Self-Evaluate and Critique! Fill in the form below: (10 min)

 2) Literacy Block: The Cost of College (15 min)
  1. Review the article here.
    1. Create a graphic organizer like the one on the board.
    2. Fill in your responses:
      1. What information do students need?
      2. Go to the blue link that says "survey".
        1. Identify who is in the control group.
          1. Do you fit in the control group?
          2. What do you need information about?
      3. Go to the blue link that says "some 2 million students".
        1. Write a point sentence based on this information.
        2. List three numbers and how they support your point.
  2. Examine the graph above. What is the cost of not going to college?
  3. Create a spheres of influence chart for this topic. (Choose three spheres and add 4 details.)
    1. How are you impacted?
    2. LEC Students?
    3. LEC Parents?
    4. Students statewide?
    5. Guidance counselors?
    6. College officials?
    7. Employers?
3) Lesson Plan: The Cost of College - Pass the Plates (25 min)
Purpose: Discuss the cost of college from different perspectives and identify actions that could reduce the application gap.
  1. 7 min: Get with your Perspective group. Discuss:
    1. Is the cost of college acceptable? Why or why not?
    2. Do changes need to be made? What changes?
    3. Write this down in a point and list of examples.
      1. Example: Point sentence: The cost of college is unacceptable but no changes will ever happen because...
  2. 12 min: Move into your Different Spheres group. 
    1. Ground Rules:
      1. One person can talk or ask questions at a time. 
      2. Questions should be directed to a specific person. Only that person answers. 
      3. See how much you can learn by listening!
    2. Discuss: 
      1. Is the cost of college acceptable? Why or why not?
      2. Do changes need to be made? What changes?
    3. Sum it up!
      1. Agree to two actions that should be taken. Write these in two point sentences on the padlet below.
4) Success Workshop: Time for you!
  1. Review the tasks below. Write what you will work on on your sticky note. When you finish, post your sticky on the board. Repeat!
  2. Finish Statement of Purpose.
  3. ACA Work
    1. Make a checklist of all missing ACA assignments. These are due NO LATER than March 31.
    2. Work on Journal 9.
  4. Organize and Revise!
5) Exit Ticket: Flash Evaluation!
  1. How many missing assignments do you have?
  2. How much of Coach B's Journal 9 do you have left?
  3. Do you talk about affording college with your family?
  4. Do you think you will be able to afford a 4 year college?
  5. Will you apply to a 4 year college?

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