Saturday, November 29, 2014

How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Monday, 1 December

Happy Monday AVID super stars!
Homework: Add on to your study group sheet. Finish your study tool.
Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
Essential Question: How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful?
Objectives: I can...
...determine what I need to study and how best to study.
...list ways to reduce test anxiety.
...ask questions when needed.
1) Warm Up: Draw and label what's going on in your head now!

2) Mini-Lesson: Studying Crash Course
  1. Set up a note sheet for today.
  2. Read the tips on studying here. As you read, take INSANELY detailed notes. The note-pro will get a prize!
  3. Go to the station you are assigned to: 
    1. Condense your notes.
    2. Make a foldable showing your notes.
    3. Diagram a math equation. Use the sheet here.
  4. Present your study tool.
  5. Review study tips and stress management ideas.
  6. Write down the tips that will help you most. Write down one tip you've never tried and want to.
HOW MANY TIMES MUST I REMIND YOU-- oh, wait, four times.  Okay.
3) Your Turn! Study Tools Time
  1. Read the hand out and the list of topics to review. Look at Math 2 topics to review here.
  2. Decide what your first and second choice topics are and what tools you want to make to review. Fill out the hand out and the survey below. (See the gallery below for ideas)
  3. Begin making your study tool for your topic. While you wait to be told what your topic is, revise your Cornell notes for any and all classes!



4) Exit Ticket: Revise your warm up head to be a studying pro!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

How can recognizing what I am grateful for help me bee successful? Daily Plans: Tuesday, 25 November

Happy Tuesday AVID Students! GET GRATEFUL!
Homework: See goals from yesterday's Exit Ticket :-). Review and RELAX :-).
Big Idea: Relationships lead to success
Essential Question: How can recognizing what I am grateful for help me be successful?
Objectives: I can...
...list what I am grateful for today.
...write a thank you card.
...share my gratitude with my classmates.
...have fun with my classmates!
1) Warm Up:
  1. Make a hand turkey.
  2. In each finger-feather write something you are grateful for.
  3. Cut out your turkey and post it in the classroom or in your binder!
  4. Make a thank you card for someone who you don't always remember to say "THANK YOU!" to. 
  5. Give it to him or her as soon as you can :-).
2) Family Day FOR ALL!
  1. First we'll play, "I'm an LEC student and you're an LEC student too, if you are grateful for..."
    1. ex: "...if you are grateful for Cornell notes!" "...if you are grateful for chocolate."
  2. Then...FREE TIME!

How do the goals I set relate my definition of success? Daily Plans: Monday, 24 November

Happy Monday AVID students!
Homework: Revise all them things!
Big Idea: Relationships can lead to success
Essential Question: How do the goals I set relate my definition of success?
Objectives: I can...
...identify the people who helped me become the successful young adult I am today!
...set and meet SMART goals.
...organize my materials.
1) Warm Up: Who are you grateful for?

  1. Define gratitude in your notes.
    1. noun the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness."she expressed her gratitude to the committee for their support"
  2. Respond to the prompt below for THREE people.#787
Because of ______, I ________. 

2) SMART Study Hall!
Complete the sheet here. (I'll give you a hard copy.)
3) Exit Ticket: On the back of your paper...
  1. Write one SMART goal you have for reviewing for your classes over Thanksgiving break.
  2. Write one SMART goal you have for relaxing over Thanksgiving break.
  3. Turn it in! 4th period drawer!

    Thursday, November 20, 2014

    How will my decision-making process support my success? Daily Plans: Friday, 21 November

    Happy Friday AVID Buddies!
    Homework: Make sure you have done all missing work!
    Big Idea: Relationships support success
    Essential Questions: How will my decision-making process support my success?
    Objectives: I can...
    ...list the components of resume.
    ...revise my work.
    ...demonstrate 21st century learning skills.
    ...complete missing work.
    ...choose something new to learn!
    1) Warm Up/Literacy Block: Resume Reading
    1. Define: What is a resume? (look at the image)
    2. Read one of the resumes below.
    3. List what goes into a resume.
    4. Classify: Are the verbs used lower order or higher order verbs? Why does that matter?
      1. Human Resources Resume
      2. Science Research Resume
      3. Finanace and Business Resume
    2) Lesson Plan: Career Writing: Revise your work! (Until 1:50)
    Purpose: The purpose of this writing assignment is for you to describe how you make decisions and think back to how you made a very important decision...the career you want to pursue! You will write one TPEEA paragraph, one reflective paragraph, and 5 SMART goals. You may add pictures. You will also add your portfolio link to this and then send me the embed link so I can publish your work! #21stcenturyskillz
    1. Put final touches on your Career Writing presentation. 
      1. Revise one of your goals to show that you will take action to have a strong resume.
      2. Check to make sure you have completed all of the portfolio using the directions here.
      3. Send me your embed code.

    4) Family Day
    1. Mrs. Cunkelman: Missing Work Room
    2. Mrs. Testa: Missing Work Room
    3. Mrs. Kitchens: Whodunnit?? Did you love the play? Come try your hand at solving mysteries!
    4. Ms. Nickel/Ms. Jones: Sociology and Gender Roles: Want to continue the dialogue we had yesterday and learn more? Ms. Jones will lead a discussion on sociology and gender roles in Ms. Nickel's room!

    Wednesday, November 19, 2014

    How will my decision-making process support my success? Daily Plans: Thursday, 20 November

    Happy Thursday AVID Buddies!
    Homework: Make sure you have done all missing work!
    Big Idea: Relationships support success
    Essential Questions: How will my decision-making process support my success?
    Objectives: I can...
    ...interpret the impact that career trends have on people's decisions.
    ...explain what I consider when I make decisions.
    ...describe an event that helped me make my future career decisions.
    ...set SMART goals.
    ...demonstrate 21st century learning skills.
    ...organize my work.
    1) Warm Up: Genders and Careers
    1. On your own: List characteristics of males and females. (Think stereotypes.)
    2. With a partner: Revise and add on to your list.
    3. In two groups of 4 and one group of 6: Relate these characteristics to a career or career cluster. (Example: Characteristic is nuturing - Career is nursing)
    2) Literacy Block: Women in STEM
    1. Conclude: How do gender stereotypes impact the career decisions people make?
      1. Example: Think men as early childhood teachers and nurses, and women as engineers or soldiers.

    Women in STEM Focus

    1. Summarize the information in the infographic above.
      1. Point sentence: What does this graph show?
      2. Example: What evidence is there that supports your point?
    2. Compare and contrast: How was your childhood similar to and different from the girl's in the video?
    3. Infer the results:
      1. How are the video and infographic related?
      2. Is this a positive or negative feedback system? (EES students, you know this!)
      3. How do the information and stories depicted impact career decisions?
      4. Does action need to be taken? Why or why not? If so, describe one action you think should be taken.
    3) Lesson Plan: Writing about Career Decisions
    Purpose: The purpose of this writing assignment is for you to describe how you make decisions and think back to how you made a very important decision...the career you want to pursue! You will write one TPEEA paragraph, one reflective paragraph, and 5 SMART goals. You may add pictures. You will also add your portfolio link to this and then send me the embed link so I can publish your work! #21stcenturyskillz
    1. Finish working on your Career Writing presentation. 
      1. Copy the template below into your AVID folder. 
      2. Name it "Name - Career Writing".
      3. Complete the prompts.
    2. Ask a classmate to read your work. 
      1. Ask them for one piece of feedback. (Ex: Is my point strong? Are my goals SMART?)
      2. Give each other a plus and delta based on the area you each want looked at.
    3. Finish your portfolio.
    4. Email your work to me using the embed code! (Even if you make changes later, I'll see them!)

    4) Success Workshop: 
    1. Check PowerSchools. Do you have any missing work? List it.
    2. Check your email. Respond to emails as necessary.
    3. Revise your Cornell notes by highlighting key terms, adding HOT questions, or writing summaries.
    4. Organize your binder.
    5) Exit Ticket: List your homework.
    1. List your homework and missing work for all classes. Include what you need to revise.
    2. Add a time estimate to each assignment.
    3. Rank the order you will do your assignments in.

    Tuesday, November 18, 2014

    How can questioning structures help me answer my own questions? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 19 November

    Homework: Revise all the things!
    Big Idea: Structures for student support, Cultivating relationships
    Essential Question: How can questioning structures help me answer my own questions?
    Objectives: I can…
    ...identify points of confusion.
    ...use accountable talk stems and the inquiry process for clarification.
    ...set and meet personal goals
    1) Warm Up: 3-2-1...BLAST OFF TO TUTORIAL! (3 minutes)
    List the following:
    • 3 main ideas you learned in class this week
    • 2 key terms from classes this week
    • 1 point-of-confusion
    2) Tutorial Fun!!!! (1:50-2:25)
    1. Fill out your TRF. No POCs? Oh really? Choose an option from below:
      1. Repeat and Review: Choose a class you struggle with sometimes. Find a question in your notes or in your homework or on a benchmark that you struggled with OR that you think other people struggled with. Fill out your TRF based on this to review the process for this question.
      2. Dig Deeper: Choose a topic you want to know more about, write a question related to it, and research the answer.
      3. Skills and Strategies: Choose a strategy you struggle with - note taking, organization, etc - and do a TRF based on that. 
    2. Set up a three column note sheet (point of confusion, notes, steps).
    3. Make sure you know where your Inquiry Process and Accountable Talk Stems sheets are.
    4. Work on your Career Choices Writing until 1:50.
    5. Go to the classroom that corresponds with your POC. (at 1:45)
      1. Mrs. Cunkelman: English, Skills and Strategies, Dig Deeper
      2. Mrs. Testa: Math 2
      3. Mrs. Kitchens: Math 1 and Math 3
      4. Ms. Nickel: Biology and Earth and Envi Sci
    6. Break into groups.
      1. Remember to...
        1. Give a 30 second speeches:
          1. My point-of-confusion is... These are the resources I have... This is what my notes say... Here's where I think I'm getting lost...
        2. Use Inquiry questions and accountable talk stems - the more you use them, the easier it is for your brain to do them!
    7. When you finish: 
      1. Finish your TRF.
      2. If you are still confused, write a formal email to your teacher asking a clarifying question OR setting up a time to meet.
      3. Work on homework with your group.
      4. Repeat the tutorial process as needed.
    3) Silent Success Workshop! (2:25-2:40)
    1. Your options are to...
      1. Revise notes.
      2. Organizing your binder.
      3. Work on revising low grades or finishing missing work.
      4. Getting help in a specific class.
    2. Set a SMART goal for what you will accomplish in the next 20 minutes.
    4) Exit Ticket:
    1. Evaluate your success in meeting your SMART goal with an emoji.
    2. Write a thank you note to a teacher, friend, or family member who helped you clarify a point-of-confusion.

    Monday, November 17, 2014

    How will my decision-making process support my success? Daily Plans: Tuesday, 18 November

    Happy Tuesday AVID Buddies!
    Homework: Make sure you have done all missing work!
    Big Idea: Relationships support success
    Essential Questions: How will my decision-making process support my success?
    Objectives: I can...
    ...explain what I consider when I make decisions.
    ...describe an event that helped me make my future career decisions.
    ...set SMART goals.
    ...demonstrate 21st century learning skills.
    ...organize my work.
    1) Warm Up: Respond to the following prompt. Write your schedule in the ideal school. Describe what you would learn in at least two of the classes on your schedule.

    2) Literacy Block: Graphing Functions Dance
    1. Look at the image below.
    2. List the functions you have worked with before in your math classes.
    3. Sketch a graph for each function you listed. Use the stick people as inspiration.
    4. As a class, play Simon Says, Math Functions! (First round with the image, second without!)

    3) Lesson Plan: Writing about Career Decisions
    Purpose: The purpose of this writing assignment is for you to describe how you make decisions and think back to how you made a very important decision...the career you want to pursue! You will write one TPEEA paragraph, one reflective paragraph, and 5 SMART goals. You may add pictures. You will also add your portfolio link to this and then send me the embed link so I can publish your work! #21stcenturyskillz
    1. Copy the template below into your AVID folder. 
    2. Name it "Name - Career Writing".
    3. Complete the prompts.
    4. Send me your embed code.

    4) Success Workshop: 
    1. Work on your portfolio additions from last week.
    2. Revise your Cornell notes by highlighting key terms, adding HOT questions, or writing summaries.
    3. Organize your binder.
    5) Exit Ticket: Crystal Ball
    1. Tell me what AVID can do for you to help you survive and thrive during exam period!

    Saturday, November 15, 2014

    How are my values related to my future career choices? Daily Plans: Monday, 17 November

    Happy Monday AVID Buddies!
    Homework: Make sure you have done all missing work!
    Big Idea: Relationships support success
    Essential Questions: How are my values related to my future career choices?
    Objectives: I can...
    ...describe my support network.
    ...prioritize the characteristics I want in a future career.
    ...organize my work.
    1) Warm Up:

    2) Literacy Block: Reading and Writing Directions

    1. Read the directions for the Career/Values Auction.
    2. Write the steps for the Career/Values Auction in your own words in a graphic organizer.
    3. Swap with a neighbor.
    4. Make revisions. 

    3) Lesson Plan:
    1. Complete the survey below.
    2. Participate in the values auction.
    4) Success Workshop:
    1. Work on your portfolio additions from last week.
    2. Revise your Cornell notes by highlighting key terms, adding HOT questions, or writing summaries.
    3. Organize your binder.
    5) Exit Ticket: SMART Goals for the Week!
    1. Write a SMART goal for school this week.
    2. Write a SMART goal for life outside of school for the week.

    Thursday, November 13, 2014

    How can I grow and use my own power to be successful? (Day 4) Daily Plans: Friday, 14 November

    Homework: Revise all the things!
    Big Idea: Power influences futures
    Essential Question: How can I grow and use my own power to be successful?
    Objectives: I can...
    ...characterize teen life in another culture.
    ...evaluate my LEC experience and learning.
    ...destress and catch up!
    1) Warm Up: Reflection on LEC and International Pen Pal (Until 1:40)

    1. Complete the survey here to tell us about your experience at LEC.
    2. Go to the link here. Select a link that ONLY has the name of a country!
    3. Read the information about teen life in that country.
    4. Make up a pen pal and write a letter to that person. 
      1. Compare and contrast responsibilities here versus in your pen pal's home country.
      2. Write a half-page at least.

    2) Semester of Success: Build your own portfolio! (Until 2:00)

    1. Over the course of the next few weeks, you will build a portfolio including the following:

      1. A sample of your best work with a reflection
      2. A sample revised work with a reflection
      3. A formal email
      4. A narrative telling why you've chosen your current career cluster of interest
      5. SMART goals for moving toward your intended career
    2. Make a folder in your AVID Google Drive folder. Call it "Your Name - Semester 1 Portfolio". 
    3. Choose a work you have done this semester that you learned a lot from and that you are proud of.
    4. Make a copy of this and move it to your portfolio folder.
    5. In a comment, explain in a point, example, and analysis sentence why you are so proud of this work and what you learned from it.
    6. Choose a work this semester that you revised to improve your grade.
    7. Make a copy of this and move it to your portfolio folder. 
    8. In a comment, explain how this revision showed the "FAIL" (First Attempt In Learning) mindset.
    9. Send a formal email to a teacher you need help from.
    10. Screen shot this email and add it to a doc in your portfolio.
    3) Family Day! (2:00-2:45)
      1. Mrs. Cunkelman: Missing Work Room
      2. Mrs. Testa: Board Game Room
      3. Mrs. Kitchens: "I want to do work!" Room
      4. Ms. Nickel: Summer Camp Games Room

    Wednesday, November 12, 2014

    How can I grow and use my own power to be successful? (Day 3) Daily Plans: Thursday, 13 November

    Happy Thursday AVID Buddies!
    Homework: Portfolio additions by tomorrow!
    Big Idea: Power influences futures
    Essential Question: How can I grow and use my own power to be successful?
    Objectives: I can...
    ...characterize responsible driving habits.
    ...plan for growth that will help me be successful in my chosen career.
    ...critique the work I have done this semester.
    1) Warm Up: Process, Define, Illustrate
    1. Choose two more Process Skills.
    2. Define the Process Skills.
    3. Add illustrations.
    4. Write a HOT question using one of the Process Skills you have defined.
    2) Literacy Block: Responsible Driving
    1. Read the infographic below.
    2. Infer what responsible driving looks like and doesn't look like.

    3) Lesson Plan: Responsibility in Careers
    Purpose: Today we will explore responsibilities in your future career.
    1. Log in to your CFNC account.
    2. Go to "My CFNC" > "Career Planning" > "Career Plans".
    3. Choose either one of your Suggested Career Clusters or your Focus Career Cluster.
    4. Select "Careers" on the left side bar.
    5. Choose one of the career options from the middle list.
    6. Based on the "What they do" and "Interviews" tabs, create a list of your future job responsbilities.
    7. Reflect in a TPEEA paragraph: Are you ready for these responsbilities? Why or why not? What will you do to get there?
    4) Success Workshop: Building a Semester Portfolio

    1. Over the course of the next few weeks, you will build a portfolio including the following:
      1. A sample of your best work with a reflection
      2. A sample revised work with a reflection
      3. A formal email
      4. A narrative telling why you've chosen your current career cluster of interest
      5. SMART goals for moving toward your intended career
    2. Make a folder in your AVID Google Drive folder. Call it "Your Name - Semester 1 Portfolio". 
    3. Choose a work you have done this semester that you learned a lot from and that you are proud of.
    4. Make a copy of this and move it to your portfolio folder.
    5. In a comment, explain in a point, example, and analysis sentence why you are so proud of this work and what you learned from it.
    6. Choose a work this semester that you revised to improve your grade.
    7. Make a copy of this and move it to your portfolio folder. 
    8. In a comment, explain how this revision showed the "FAIL" (First Attempt In Learning) mindset.
    9. Send a formal email to a teacher you need help from.
    10. Screen shot this email and add it to a doc in your portfolio.
    Write a Formal Email Step 9 Version 3.jpg
    5) Exit Ticket: List three things you are grateful for.

    Tuesday, November 11, 2014

    How can I grow and use my own power to be successful? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Wednesday, 12 November

    Happy Wednesday AVID Buddies!
    Homework: Revise, revise, revise!
    Big Idea: Power influences futures
    Essential Question: How can I grow and use my own power to be successful?
    Objectives: I can...
    ...see what my future budget might look like.
    ...determine how to delegate tasks responsibly.
    ...create timelines to help me hold myself accountable for completing tasks.
    ...reflect on my class work so far.
    1) Warm Up: What would you do if you had a million dollars?
    1. You have just received a million dollars. What will you do with it?
    2. Consider: 
      1. Necessities
      2. Things you want
      3. Places to donate to
      4. Leaving something awesome for future generations

    2) Literacy Block: Determining Your Budget
    1. Work through the "Determining your Budget" assignment.
    2. Check the "Starting Salaries" page to find out your expected income. If your first choice career is not listed, choose the career closest to it.
    3. Reflect: Did you have money left over or not? What would you do differently in real life?
    3) Lesson Plan: Responsibility in School
    Purpose: Today we will explore responsibilities in the classroom. Keep these scenarios in mind as you work on assignments in your high school and college classes as well as clubs.
    1. Go to a station.
    2. Read the scenario.
    3. Respond to the prompts.
    4. Leave your paper at that station.
    5. Switch to another station.
    6. Repeat twice.
    7. Then, collaboratively annotate at two other stations. Do you think their list of responsibilities and their timelines are realistic? Give a plus and delta.
    4) Success Workshop: Building a Semester Portfolio
    1. Over the course of the next few weeks, you will build a portfolio including the following:
      1. A sample of your best work with a reflection
      2. A sample revised work with a reflection
      3. A formal email
      4. A narrative telling why you've chosen your current career cluster of interest
      5. SMART goals for moving toward your intended career
    2. Make a folder in your AVID Google Drive folder. Call it "Your Name - Semester 1 Portfolio". 
    3. Choose a work you have done this semester that you learned a lot from and that you are proud of.
    4. Make a copy of this and move it to your portfolio folder.
    5. In a comment, explain in a point, example, and analysis sentence why you are so proud of this work and what you learned from it.
    6. Choose a work this semester that you revised to improve your grade.
    7. Make a copy of this and move it to your portfolio folder. 
    8. In a comment, explain how this revision showed the "FAIL" (First Attempt In Learning) mindset.
    9. With any remaining time, revise your Cornell notes.
      1. Revise notes with a classmate.
      2. Highlight key terms.
      3. Add HOT questions.
      4. Summarize each set of notes.
    5) Exit Ticket: List three things you are grateful for.

    Sunday, November 9, 2014

    How can I grow and use my own power to be successful? Daily Plans: Monday, 10 November

    Happy Monday AVID Buddies!
    Homework: Revise, revise, revise!
    Big Idea: Power influences futures
    Essential Question: How can I grow and use my own power to be successful?
    Objectives: I can...
    ...define responsbility and accountability.
    ...chart the events in an article and story.
    ...analyze a characters choices.
    ...reflect on your class work so far.
    1) Warm Up:
    1. Set up a note page.
    2. Respond to the quote below and the prompt: "What makes you come alive? Why? What responsibilites are involved? Who do you impact?"

    2) Literacy Block: Charting Responsbility and Accountability
    1. Before you read: Define:
      1. responsibility: 
        • : the state of being the person who caused something to happen
        • : a duty or task that you are required or expected to do
        • : something that you should do because it is morally right, legally required, etc.
      2. accountability:
        • :  the quality or state of being accountableespecially :  an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to accountfor one's actions <public officials lacking accountability>
    2. As you read: Central American presidents say the US shares responsibility for the migration crisis
      1. List the events of this article in order.
      2. Next to the events, state who is responsible according to the article.
      3. Summarize the migration crisis.
    3. After you read: Two Points
      1. Write a point sentence telling who you think is responsible for the migration crisis.
      2. Write a point and elaboration sentence telling how you think the migration crisis should be addressed.
    3) Lesson Plan: Responsibility in Literature and Media
    Purpose: Today, we are looking at responsibility on a pop culture kind of scale. Wednesday, we'll extend this to our lives and school. Then, we'll look at what role responsibility and accountability play in our lives.
    1. Choose your favorite book, TV show, or movie character.
    2. Fill in the plot diagram showing major events that occured in the story, an episode of the show, or the movie.
    3. Then, complete the character analysis for your character.
    4. Find a classmate who has seen the TV show or movie or read the book. Give each other feedback: Do you agree with what the classmate wrote, why or why not? Are details missing?
    4) Success Workshop: Building a Semester Portfolio
    1. Over the course of the next few weeks, you will build a portfolio including the following:
      1. A sample of your best work with a reflection
      2. A sample revised work with a reflection
      3. A formal email
      4. A narrative telling why you've chosen your current career cluster of interest
      5. SMART goals for moving toward your intended career
    2. Make a folder in your AVID Google Drive folder. Call it "Your Name - Semester 1 Portfolio". 
    3. Choose a work you have done this semester that you learned a lot from and that you are proud of.
    4. Make a copy of this and move it to your portfolio folder.
    5. In a comment, explain in a point, example, and analysis sentence why you are so proud of this work and what you learned from it.
    6. With any remaining time, revise your Cornell notes.
      1. Revise notes with a classmate.
      2. Highlight key terms.
      3. Add HOT questions.
      4. Summarize each set of notes.
    5) Exit Ticket: SMART goals
    Write an academic and non-academic SMART goal for this week.

    Thursday, November 6, 2014

    How can understanding the relationship between authority and respect empower you? (Day 4) Daily Plans: Friday, 7 November

    Happy Friday AVID Buddies!!!! I MISS YOU!
    Homework: Revise it all!
    Big Idea: Power influences futures
    Essential Question: How can understanding the relationship between authority and respect empower you?
    Objectives: I can...
    ...analyze the role of authority and respect in my life.
    ...identify what gives people authority.
    1) Warm Up: Write and Reflect!
    Respond to ONE of the following in a TPEEA paragraph:

    1. What do you want to be an authority in when you are older?
    2. What is the most important thing people can do to earn your respect?

    2) Literacy Block: Connections Scavenger Hunt
    Challenger Marina Silva (left) and incumbent Dilma Rousseff face off during a presidential debate in Aparecida, Brazil, in September.
    1. Before you read: List problems you have heard of related to elections in America.
    2. Go to the artilce: "Brazil's Election Culminates a Season Full of Shocks"
    3. As you read, identify three of the following:
      1. The use of ethos, logos, OR pathos
      2. What gives these women authority
      3. Power structures in Brazil
      4. What led these women to the roles of power they are in now
    4. After you read, compare and contrast voting in the US versus voting in Brazil.
    3) Family Day!
    1. Who Done It outside! OR
    2. Missing work room with Mrs. Cunkelman

    Wednesday, November 5, 2014

    How can understanding the relationship between authority and respect empower you? (Day 3) Daily Plans: Thursday, 6 November

    Happy Thursday AVID Buddies!!!!
    Homework: Revise it all!
    Big Idea: Power influences futures
    Essential Question: How can understanding the relationship between authority and respect empower you?
    Objectives: I can...
    ...identify claims and evidence in a science talk.
    ...apply my understanding of power, authority, and respect to design a utopia.
    ...evaluate my time management.
    1) Warm Up: Process, Illustrate, Define!
    1. Choose two more processes!
    2. Define them. 
    3. Add illustrations. 
    2) Literacy Block: The Science behind making Moral Decisions
    1. Before you listen: How do you make decisions?
    2. As you listen: Identify...
      1. A claim made in the talk.
      2. The evidence that supports that claim.
      3. The next steps scientists need to make.
    3) Lesson Plan: Design your own Utopia!
    1. Break into groups.
    2. Read through the "Design your own Utopia" sheet below.
    3. Fill it in!
    4. Time permitting, choose one of the following to complete:
      1. Create a map of your utopia.
      2. List what students would learn in school.
      3. Make a collage showing what life is like in your utopia.
      4. Write a pass-along story to describe a day in your utopia.
      5. List crimes that could make someone end up in jail in your utopia.
    4) Success Workshop: Time Management
    1. List all your upcoming assignments. Predict how long each task will take. Rank the order in which you will do them.
    2. Check and respond to emails.
    3. Work on late work or revisions.
    5) Exit Ticket: Procrastination Station
    1. How much time did you waste procrastinating?
    2. Was any of it productive procrastination?
    3. What can you do to avoid procrastinating?

    Tuesday, November 4, 2014

    How can questioning structures help me answer my own questions? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 5 November

    Homework: Revise all the things!
    Big Idea: Structures for student support, Cultivating relationships
    Essential Question: How can questioning structures help me answer my own questions?
    countdownObjectives: I can…
    ...identify points of confusion.
    ...use accountable talk stems and the inquiry process for clarification.
    ...set and meet personal goals
    1) Warm Up: 3-2-1...BLAST OFF TO TUTORIAL! (3 minutes)
    List the following:
    • 3 main ideas you learned in class this week
    • 2 key terms from classes this week
    • 1 point-of-confusion
    2) Tutorial Fun!!!! (1:45-2:20)
    1. Fill out your TRF.
    2. Set up a three column note sheet (point of confusion, notes, steps).
    3. Make sure you know where your Inquiry Process and Accountable Talk Stems sheets are.
    4. Go to the classroom that corresponds with your POC. (at 1:45)
      1. Mrs. Cunkelman: English and Other
      2. Mrs. Testa: Math 2
      3. Mrs. Kitchens: Math 1 and Math 3
      4. Ms. Nickel: Biology and Earth and Envi Sci
    5. Break into groups.
      1. Remember to...
        1. Give a 30 second speeches:
          1. My point-of-confusion is... These are the resources I have... This is what my notes say... Here's where I think I'm getting lost...
        2. Use Inquiry questions and accountable talk stems - the more you use them, the easier it is for your brain to do them!
    6. When you finish: 
      1. Finish your TRF.
      2. If you are still confused, write a formal email to your teacher asking a clarifying question OR setting up a time to meet.
      3. Work on homework with your group.
      4. Repeat the tutorial process as needed.
      5. Work on work for any class.
    3) Success Workshop: Your Choice!

    1. Your options are to...
      1. Revise notes.
      2. Organizing your binder.
      3. Work on revising low grades or finishing missing work.
      4. Getting help in a specific class.
    2. Set a SMART goal for what you will accomplish in the next 20 minutes.
    4) Exit Ticket:
    1. Evaluate your success in meeting your SMART goal with an emoji.
    2. Then, tell us what we can do as your AVID teachers to help you with any remaining POCs OR organizational stuff you need help with.