Sunday, November 9, 2014

How can I grow and use my own power to be successful? Daily Plans: Monday, 10 November

Happy Monday AVID Buddies!
Homework: Revise, revise, revise!
Big Idea: Power influences futures
Essential Question: How can I grow and use my own power to be successful?
Objectives: I can...
...define responsbility and accountability.
...chart the events in an article and story.
...analyze a characters choices.
...reflect on your class work so far.
1) Warm Up:
  1. Set up a note page.
  2. Respond to the quote below and the prompt: "What makes you come alive? Why? What responsibilites are involved? Who do you impact?"

2) Literacy Block: Charting Responsbility and Accountability
  1. Before you read: Define:
    1. responsibility: 
      • : the state of being the person who caused something to happen
      • : a duty or task that you are required or expected to do
      • : something that you should do because it is morally right, legally required, etc.
    2. accountability:
      • :  the quality or state of being accountableespecially :  an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to accountfor one's actions <public officials lacking accountability>
  2. As you read: Central American presidents say the US shares responsibility for the migration crisis
    1. List the events of this article in order.
    2. Next to the events, state who is responsible according to the article.
    3. Summarize the migration crisis.
  3. After you read: Two Points
    1. Write a point sentence telling who you think is responsible for the migration crisis.
    2. Write a point and elaboration sentence telling how you think the migration crisis should be addressed.
3) Lesson Plan: Responsibility in Literature and Media
Purpose: Today, we are looking at responsibility on a pop culture kind of scale. Wednesday, we'll extend this to our lives and school. Then, we'll look at what role responsibility and accountability play in our lives.
  1. Choose your favorite book, TV show, or movie character.
  2. Fill in the plot diagram showing major events that occured in the story, an episode of the show, or the movie.
  3. Then, complete the character analysis for your character.
  4. Find a classmate who has seen the TV show or movie or read the book. Give each other feedback: Do you agree with what the classmate wrote, why or why not? Are details missing?
4) Success Workshop: Building a Semester Portfolio
  1. Over the course of the next few weeks, you will build a portfolio including the following:
    1. A sample of your best work with a reflection
    2. A sample revised work with a reflection
    3. A formal email
    4. A narrative telling why you've chosen your current career cluster of interest
    5. SMART goals for moving toward your intended career
  2. Make a folder in your AVID Google Drive folder. Call it "Your Name - Semester 1 Portfolio". 
  3. Choose a work you have done this semester that you learned a lot from and that you are proud of.
  4. Make a copy of this and move it to your portfolio folder.
  5. In a comment, explain in a point, example, and analysis sentence why you are so proud of this work and what you learned from it.
  6. With any remaining time, revise your Cornell notes.
    1. Revise notes with a classmate.
    2. Highlight key terms.
    3. Add HOT questions.
    4. Summarize each set of notes.
5) Exit Ticket: SMART goals
Write an academic and non-academic SMART goal for this week.

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