Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful? Daily Plans: Thursday, 11 December

Happy LDOC AVID Students!

  1. Study on!
  2. Treat Yourself :)
  3. Ask your parents for website feedback! Make LEC a better place!!! WOOT!!!!
Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
Essential Question: How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful?
Objectives: I can...
...evaluate the AVID Elective program at LEC.
...write positive feedback for my classmates.
...set a SMART goal and study!
...destress and decompress :-).
1) Warm Up: Course Evaluation! Tell me how AVID went for you!

2) SMART Study Hall!

  1. Set a SMART goal for 30 minutes.
  2. Work silently on something of your choosing.
  3. Evaluate!
3) Awards Ceremony
  1. Make an award for the person on your index card. It can be silly or serious :-).
  2. Exchange awards.
4) AVID Exam Questions and Grade Check
  1. Log in to PowerSchools.
  2. Look at your grades.
  3. Let me know if there are any that are different than you expected. You must have the assignment to show me.
  4. Ask me to clarify any questions you have on exam procedures OR the content of the AVID exam.
5) Business to Take Care of:
  1. Turn in ALL laptop components!
  2. Put desks in rows.
  3. Recycle papers.
6)  Family Time! Your choice! (Start around 2:15)
  1. Ms. Nickel: Outdoor Fun! (yoga, soccer, etc)
  2. Mrs. Testa: Game Room
  3. Mrs. Kitchens: Quiet Room: Catch up on missing work, make holiday cards, etc.
  4. Mrs. Cunkelman: Holiday Film Festival

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What choices can I make now and in college to help me meet my goals? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 10 December

Happy College Info Wednesday AVID Students!

  1. Make sure you finish your post-studying review task.
  2. Study on!
  3. Treat Yourself :)
  4. Ask your parents for website feedback! Make LEC a better place!!! WOOT!!!!
Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
Essential Question: What choices can I make now and in college to help me meet my goals?
Objectives: I can...
...identify what I know and want to know about college.
...describe a study abroad program.
...ask questions about college.
...set and meet SMART studying goals.
Warm Up: My Study Plan (1:22-1:27)
  1. Create a KWL (Know, Want to know, Learned) chart on a sheet of paper. 
  2. List what you already know about college.
  3. Write questions you want answered about college, specifically study abroad and UNC-G.
Danielle Fiore's Presentation

Q&A and SMART Study Hall with Mrs. Cunkelman and Ms. Nickel
  1. You have 10 minutes to ask us questions about college - student life, scholarships, applications, financial aid, roommate stories, where to live, classes, etc.
  2. After the 10 minutes are up, set a SMART goal. Mrs. Cunkelman or Ms. Nickel will make sure your goal is SMART.
  3. Work toward your goal.
  4. Evaluate your success with an emoji!
Exit Ticket:
  1. List what you learned about college.
  2. Cross off questions that got answered. 
  3. List any new questions you have.
  4. Turn in your KWL.

Monday, December 8, 2014

How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful? (Day 7) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 9 December

Happy Collaborative Study Groups Tuesday AVID Students!

  1. Make sure you finish your post-studying review task.
  2. Study on!
  3. Treat Yourself :)
  4. Ask your parents for website feedback! Make LEC a better place!!! WOOT!!!!
Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
Essential Question: How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful?
Objectives: I can...
...practice writing in TPEQEA.
...set up Cornell notes.
...write an Essential Question.
...prioritize what I need to study.
...collaborate with classmates to clarify a point-of-confusion.
1) Warm Up: My Study Plan (1:22-1:30)
  1. List what you will study each day for each class on your Exam Survival Kit calendar.
  2. Add smiley faces to your exam days!
2) AVID Exam Review (1:30-2:10)
  1. Check the topic you are reviewing and where you are going today.
  2. TPEQEA Pass Along Story
    1. Sit in a circle of 4 students.
    2. On your paper, write a point sentence.
    3. Pass your paper to the right.
    4. The next person writes an example and then folds over the point. Pass again.
    5. Write an elaboration. Fold over the example. Pass again.
    6. The final person writes an analysis. Give the paper to the owner.
    7. The owner unfolds the paper and writes a topic relating everything.
    8. Debrief: What do you need to consider as you write each sentence in a TPEQEA paragraph?
  3. The Great Cornell Note Race
      1. Find a topic that you could take Cornell notes on here.
      2. Set up a Cornell note page.
      3. Write an Essential Question that is related to the topic you found. 
        1. Think: change, power, relationships, patterns, etc...
      4. Label what goes in each section of your Cornell notes.
      5. The winner earns two lollipops :-).
      3) Success Workshop: Collaborative Study Groups (2:10-2:41)
      **Students who took the Accuplacer - Catch up on what you missed in class today! CONGRATS!!!!**
      1. Go to the classroom you are assigned to.
      2. In your groups, review and use your study tools and then ask each other clarifying questions.
      3. If you finish early, start making a group study guide. Decide on different things to focus on and take neat notes on that section. Share with each other.
        4) Exit Ticket: Work on your after studying task! Finish at home if needed!
        • Math sheet from Mrs. Testa
        • 5-4-3-2-1
        • Learning Log

        Sunday, December 7, 2014

        How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful? (Day 6) Daily Plans: Monday, 8 December

        Happy Study Workshop Monday AVID Students!
        1. Make sure your study tool is ready for tomorrow!
        2. Study on!
        3. Treat Yourself :)
        Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
        Essential Question: How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful?
        Objectives: I can...
        ...practice exam taking thought processes.
        ...prioritize what I need to study.
        ...create a tool for studying an area that confuses me.
        1) Warm Up: Design the Perfect Playground! (1:22-1:32)
        • Establish your audience: You and your friends? People in a retirement home? Kids at a zoo? In a neighborhood? For future gymnasts? 
        • Sketch and label your design.

        2) Be a Master Exam Taker! (1:35-2:10)
        1. Check the topic you are reviewing and where you are going tomorrow.
        2. Fishbowl of Exam Thinking
          1. On your own: Find a multiple choice question related to the topic you are reviewing today.
          2. As a class: List what you can ask yourself as you answer test questions. List what you can do if you start to panic.
            1. Examples for what to ask yourself:
              1. Are there trick words in this question? (most/least likely, best answer, which is false/true)
              2. What is the question asking me to do?
              3. How does this relate to class? (labs, papers you wrote, vocab you learned)
              4. Are there any answer choices I can eliminate? (things you've never heard of, dumb answer choices)
              5. Did I read each answer choice? 
              6. Do I want to revisit this question if I have time?
            2. Examples for what to do if you freeze:
              1. Mind Dump
              2. Self-Calming strategy: Count your breathing, close your eyes and imagine your favorite place, repeat "I am prepared"
              3. Star it and move on
          3. In groups: Act out answering your sample question. You have to hit at least 5 things from our class list before you can move on!
        3. Graphic Organize It!
          1. Find your notes for the topic you are reviewing today.
          2. Create a graphic organizer that includes at least 5 details about your topic.
          3) Success Workshop: Create a Study Tool (2:10-2:41)
          **Work on missing work and revisions before doing this!**
          **Students taking the Accuplacer - keep on studying!**
          1. Check what topic you will be focusing on tomorrow. 
          2. Tell me if you want to change your area of focus.
          3. Read and revise your notes that review information for that class.
          4. Create your study tool using your planning sheet.
            4) Exit Ticket: Mind dump for your topic of review for tomorrow. Do this on the border of your planning sheet.

            Wednesday, December 3, 2014

            How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful? (Day 5) Daily Plans: Friday, 5 December

            Happy Collaborative Group Work Friday AVID Students!
            1. Make sure you have completed your collaborative study assignment task.
            2. Review the topic you studied today again, this time on your own. 
            3. Study on!
            Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
            Essential Question: How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful?
            Objectives: I can...
            ...determine what I need to study and how best to study.
            ...list ways to reduce test anxiety.
            ...ask questions when needed.
            1) Warm Up: Self-Evaluate (1:22-1:30) (OR Make a sticky note thank you card for your Sophomore Buddy if you already finished the survey!)

            2) Decompression Time (1:30-1:42)
            Choose one of the following:
            1. Make positive affirmation sticky notes for yourself or others.
            2. Color a coloring page.
            3. Nap.
            4. Listen to music.
            5. Walk around the school building.
            6. Read.
            3) Study Tools Time! (1:42-2:37)
            1. Check where you are going! The color shading shows your group.
            2. Share each person's study tool.
              1. Quiz each other with flash cards and foldables. 
              2. Do practice problems.
              3. Work on your summative task. If you don't finish, do it at home!
                1. 5-4-3-2-1
                2. Math sheet
              4. Decide on a group secretary.
              5. Tell your secretary any confusions you have so they can be emailed to your teacher.
                1. Dear ______, We studied ______(your topic) in AVID. These are the things we are still confused about. Please tell us how we can get help! Thank you! Sincerely, Secretary's name
            Accuplacer Review With Ms. Sawyer (Freshmen - in Ms. Nickel's room, Sophmores - in Mr. Testa's office)

            1. Make sure you have your review packet.
            2. Ask Ms. Sawyer specific questions and decide what topics you need to review.
            3. Watch the video below.

            4) Exit Ticket: Treat Yourself! (2:37-2:45)
            1. Vote on a teacher approved option and TREAT YOURSELVES!
              1. Run to the vending machine and get snacks. Go straight to the buses.
              2. Blow bubbles.
              3. Play hangman.
              4. Write all over the board.
              5. Play silent ball.
              6. Dance party.
              7. Make a music video and surprise another teacher with it.

            How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful? (Day 4) Daily Plans: Thursday, 4 December

            Happy Study Workshop Thursday AVID Students!
            1. Make sure your study tool is ready for tomorrow!
            2. Study on!
            3. Treat Yourself :)
            Where to go tomorrow:
            Cunkelman: Nathaniel, Rebekah, Michael, Taniya, Naquan, Eric, Grace
            Testa: Alanna, Chere', Michaela, Kayla, Zorayma, Skylar, Xavier
            Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
            Essential Question: How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful?
            Objectives: I can...
            ...list ways to avoid unicorn ride anxiety.
            ...prioritize what I need to study.
            ...create a tool for studying an area that confuses me.
            1) Warm Up: Exam Survival Kit and Planning (1:22-1:35)

            1. Familiarize yourself with what is in your exam survival kit.
            2. Take out your calendar. 
              1. Plan out how you will study.
              2. Add smiley faces or encouraging notes to your exam days.
            3. Write an encouraging thank you note to your buddy.

            2) Literacy Block and Lesson Plan: How Successful People Stay Calm
            1. Before you Read: 
              1. Finish the statement, "I feel confident on tests when..."
              2. List what you think when you take tests.
              3. Evaluate as a class: Is our self-talk helpful or harmful?
            2. As you Read:
              1. Partner read the first two paragraphs.
              2. Skim the tips.
              3.  INDIVIDUALLY respond to the questions on Diigo sticky notes OR on an index card in bright colors so you have reminders.
            3. After you Read:
              1. List your favorite ways to reduce test anxiety. Here are mine:
                1. Take deep breaths.
                2. Power pose before you start!
                3. Do mini-yoga during your breaks.
                4. As soon as you get your test - MIND DUMP!
                5. Write and repeat and think and (before your test) scream affirmations!
              3) Lesson Plan: Create a Study Tool
              **Work on missing work and revisions before doing this!**
              **Students taking the Accuplacer - Finish reading the review packet and doing the practice questions!**
              1. Check what topic you will be focusing on tomorrow. 
              2. Tell me if you want to change your area of focus.
              3. Read and revise your notes that review information for that class.
              4. Create your study tool using your planning sheet.
              4) Exit Ticket: Anti-Anxiety Moment
              1. Learn to do a Sun salutation.
              2. Make a bookmark with a positive affirmation.
              3. Do a mind dump for two of your exams.

              Tuesday, December 2, 2014

              How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful? (Day 3) Wednesday, 3 December

              Happy Tutorial Wednesday AVID Students!
              1. Study on!
              2. Treat Yourself :)
              Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
              Essential Question: How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful?
              Objectives: I can...
              ...identify my points-of-confusion.
              ...explain my point-of-confusion.
              ...demonstrate respect and responsibility during the tutorial process.
              ...preview the AVID exam.
              1) Warm Up: Tutorial Challenge (1:22-1:30)
              1. Turn in your 10 Day Review Collaborative Study Sheet and Summative Task.
              2. Imagine the perfect tutorial.
              3. Choose a VERY specific thing you want to see done PERFECTLY in a tutorial.
              4. Create a badge on an index card that someone could earn during a tutorial. 
                1. Example: 30 Second Speech Selector: Awarded for reminding the next person to start his or her 30 second speech.
                2. Non-Example: Great job!
              5. Share out badge ideas. Today in tutorial you will have the chance to try to earn badges.
              2) Literacy Block: Reading through my notes! (1:30-1:45)
              1. Before you read: 3...2...1...BLASTTTT OFFFF!!!! (SKIP LINES between each thing so you have space for notes!!!)
                1. List 3 main ideas you need to review.
                2. List 2 words you remember hearing but forgot the definition of.
                3. List 1 thing you really want to review.
              2. As you read: Fill in your 3...2...1...
                1. Take notes on the main ideas you needed to review.
                2. Define the 2 words you listed.
                3. Find your notes on the the thing you need to review.
              3. After you read: Fill out a TRF.
              3) Tutorial Time! (1:45-2:15)
              **Chere', Alanna, Taniya, Rebekah, Eric, Xavier, Michael - finish and send me your portfolios BEFORE participating!**Eric, Michael, Xavier, fix your stick figure!**
              1. Set up three column notes (POC, Notes, Steps to Solve).
              2. Break into groups.
              3. Begin the tutorial process. Remember - you are trying to earn badges!!
                1. Decide who goes first.
                2. Make sure you have three column notes on the board.
                3. Give a 30 second speech.
                4. Ask each other guiding questions.
                5. Fill out your three-column notes.
              4. After tutorial: On the back of your TRF, rank yourself from a 1-4 on the following:
                1. My understanding of my POC
                2. My mastery of the Tutorial Process
              5. Badge Awards!
              4) Brain Break and Transition

              5) Your Time to Review, Revise, and Get Ready! (2:20-2:40)
              1. These are your options for work:
                1. Finish any missing work.
                2. Complete revisions for low grades.
                3. Study for any class.
                4. Check your cougarmail and powerschool. Organize your binder and notes.
              2. These are your options for self-rewards:
                1. Watch YouTube video.
                2. Get a sticker.
                3. Blow bubbles.
                4. Color.
              3. Set a SMART goal for until 2:40.
              4. Work!
              5. Exit Ticket: 5 minutes of self-reward time!

              Monday, December 1, 2014

              How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 2 December

              Happy Collaborative Group Work Tuesday AVID Students!
              1. Make sure you have completed your collaborative study assignment task.
              2. Review the topic you studied today again, this time on your own. 
              3. Study on!
              Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
              Essential Question: How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful?
              Objectives: I can...
              ...determine what I need to study and how best to study.
              ...list ways to reduce test anxiety.
              ...ask questions when needed.
              1) Warm Up: Study SMART!
              1. Set a studying or revising SMART goal for this week.
              2. Set a de-stress SMART goal for this week.
              2) Literacy Block: Study Tips
              1. Before you read: Share your favorite way to study.
              2. As you read: Jot down new tips for studying.
              3. After you read: Make a study cheat sheet for yourself. Where will you study? For how long? When will you start?
              4. My favorite tips:
                1. Chunk it - switch between topics so you don't forget anything or wear yourself out.
                2. Treat yourself
                3. Good studying is a pattern! Study by yourself, in a group, by yourself!
                4. Write and color and draw
                5. Mind dump when you freeze!
              3) Study Tools Time!
              1. Finish creating your study tool.
              2. Study the topic you are confused about.
              3. At 1:53: MIND DUMP! List everything you remember about your topic!
              4. Check where you are going! The color shading shows your group.
              5. Pack up and go there!
              4) Collaborative Study Groups!
              1. Share each person's study tool.
                1. Ask clarifying questions.
                2. Quiz each other with flash cards and foldables. 
                3. Do practice problems.
              2. At 2:35 work on your summative task. Finish this at home.
              5) Exit Ticket:
              1. Decide on a group secretary.
              2. Tell your secretary any confusions you have so they can be emailed to your teacher.
                1. Dear ______, We studied ______(your topic) in AVID. These are the things we are still confused about. Please tell us how we can get help! Thank you! Sincerely, Secretary's name